Teach Me if I'm Wrong

Life May Get Rough Sometimes...
Chill and Continue to Search The Best In You...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

PleAsee... St0p All tHisS n0nseNse,,,!!!

Kenape....!!!!??? Dunia dah makin maju... tapi manusia makin mundur ke blakang pemikirannye.... hidup nak senang saje.... ade cara yg lebih baek boleh dibuat tapi amek jalan mudah.....

Seorg ibu,,, yang sungguh pengasih dan menyayangi anak2 dia sanggup melakukan perbuatan kejam tahap cipan kat binatang plak.... banyak kisah2 ngeri dan sedih yang boleh kita dengar sekarang berkaitan dengan kekejaman terhadap binatang... ape nak jadi la..........

Di mana letaknye hati pewot??? hati ke pewot yang kita nak nilai sebenarnye... klau kita menilai pewot mmg la semua orang nak kenyangkan pewot je... ape dia kesah dengan hati ye x?? hehe.... patot la orang sekarang x de hati... muahahaha.........

Bila la dunia nak jadi lebih baek.... betapa indahnye kalau semua org boleh beraman damai dengan alam semesta... ni x,, buang sampah merata2.... klau bumi boleh bercakap memang dah kena maki hamun dah manusia ni... lagi trok klau bumu ade tangan... habis dicampaknye kita semua ke planet2 laen yang gersang kering kontang x de menda tue... nak ke hidup kat Pluto yang gelap gelita, satu zarah pon xde... nak??? so bersyukur la hidup kita di bumi... semua ckup lengkap....

Kadang2 manusia ni name je khalifah bumi, makhluk paling pandai cerdik geliga di alam semesta... tapi x pandai berpikir... Allah tidak ciptakan manusia itu bodoh... dia yang membodohkan dirinye sendiri... kita yang pilih semua tue.... the choice is in your hand... only you can make the difference... sekarang bila dah tersungkur baru nak sedar... tu pon ade jugak yg x sedar lagi... bumi makin hancur ditelan kecemaran.... kecemaran ke??? ahah... perosak bahasa.... manusia ni memang x bleh bagi menda yang berguna sket... smua dia nak rosakkn... hampeh tol...

Sedar la kita sebagai manusia yang di amanahkan tuk menjaga bumi, diberi kebijaksanaan, kepercayaan oleh Allah namun begitu kita abaikan... terok btol kita ni jadi manusia... jadi donkey lagi bagus... ikut je... xde merosakkn alam, rosak kn bahasa, sakit kn binatang laen, xde bergaduh... yang paling best xde masalh... sebab nak kira duit pon x reti... hahahahaha.... money is gives you everything including the problemo... muahahahaha... so lets get straight... stand up for earth.... pity mother earth,, we always forget how it help us to live our life - in a better way...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some people says... Hendak Seribu Daya.. Tak Ndak Seribu Dalih.....

But for some reason i din't felt the same way...
Hmmmm... org kate jugak... kalau sayang, cinta... ape pon sanggup buat... travel jaoh2 demi memenuhi permintaan yg tersayang... berkorban apa saja.... wang ringgit, masa, tenaga, emosi, ego, dan ade jugak smpai erbawak2 pengorbanan ke maruah diri...

Ehem3.... bukan maksud laen... tapi maruah dari segi pendirian dan pendapat seseorang terhadap sumthing,,,, jati diri... contoh simple... if mula2 bercinta... mesti ade perkara yg pasangan kita bwat then kita sedari ia bertentangan dgn cara hdup kita example buang sampah mrate... or... bergurau cara kasar dengan kwan2... esp klau yg jnis suka perli2 sound direct jerk... sumtimes org x bleh trime...

So... hari ni stelah skian lame x menulis blog ni... aku tbe nak share... a thought on its not love the reason we'll do anything... berkorban tu mmg bagus... tapi cuba kte letak diri kita pada tmpat org yg terpakse melakukan pengorbanan tu... pasti ssh hati, terhimpit dan tersepit... bagi aku... i would love to take a way that won't hurt anybody and won't gives trouble to anyone... so aku akan cuba pastikan ape yg aku nak bwat x kan menyuahkan sape2... cth... aku nak g satu event... jauh... x de transport... then bleh plak nak menyusahkan org lain jmput n hantar aku... why should i? cbe wat sumthing yg memudahkan org lain... jgn le kita guna alasan ms bercinta ms sayang x kan x sgggup nak travel jejauh amek org tersayang... for me, thats not the right way.. if u love, u won't like to see n make trouble to u'r love one..

Selain dari tu,,, love is not the reason that we can hurt other people. as example... when we choosed to get married... tapi tbe2 parents x ske dgn plihan kita wat tu... atas sbb2 dorg tersendiri, n slalooo nye parents got a strong reason why they don't like... jgn kerana cinta kita wat alasan nak kwen kt siam... mengenepikan famly esp parents... it will make things worse.. atau pon kita cbe yakinkan parents sampai dorg trime plihan kita tu... sumhow sooner or later u will have to pay for it... trust me... mungkin sesetengah orang fkir lepas kwen x pe... sbb yg kwen aku, bukan parents aku yg nak kwen.. but pleaseee... think again.. marriage is not about you and u'r love only... its about famly, u'r future and the community... sbuah masyarakat bertamadun terbina dari keluarga yg bahagia dan........................ lu pke la sendiri...

Gosh... youngster nowadays slaloo dan terlalu taksub kepada cinta... anything for love... sampai yg agak2 x de couple lg tu antre kwan2... mula la menglabah cr couple... desperate plak.... when u desperate, then u'll do anything to get the love... that's when people take advantage on u guys... so alwizz remember that love is not the reason.....

Love wuz not the reason for us to forget ourself... kadang2 org bercinta ni bgai nak rak.... later when they clash.... sang pencinta pasti menghukum dirinye atas kesedihan putus cinta... cewah... ayat x bleh blah... hahaha... hmmm... plg trok... klau ade yg makan x slera... nanges je tiap masa... pantang terngat,,, banjir la gamaknye... boikot... xmao kuar umah, mogok mandi n mogok lapaw... hahaha,,, kind of funny actually... gila ape... ex ko bahagia kt luar tu... makan sdap2 ko plak mrane sensowang... sakit... lapar... tension... smua sorg2... ape... ngat dgn mogok2 tu smua, bleh dapat blik ex kamooo tue? hahaha... appa da..... so love wuz not the reason for u to suffer....
Banyak lgi perkara gilerk... bodoo... sengal... pendek akal...keje mrepek mraban mrapu... demi cinta... but think again... wuz it worth it...?? stop being STUPID fellow for love... a.k.a love slaves.... STOPPP IT...!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Convotion Ceremony............


2nd Dec 2010... tarikh keramat bg semua student BAS UiTM.... fuhh... mriah abes... menurut pemanku VC, kitorg la crowd a.k.a graduan yang paling ramai.... mcm x pcye... klau dlu... ade 3 fact yg convo skali dgn kitorg... Fact perakaunan, Fact Media N Komunikasi dan act kesayangan ku... Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran & Pengajian Polisi..... But this time just ade 2 fact.... tapi ramai gler.... parents pon x dapat duk dalam dwan.... student rmai sgt.....

Hmmm.... di akhir majlis.... Pemangku VC ade cakap dewan bsaw UiTM ot nak siap... hehe... x mrase la aku nak convo dlam dewan baru... pada hal... aku rasa dari aku convo dip dlu VC ms tu Tan Sri Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shah ade dah cakap nak wat dewan tue... hmmm... lpas 2 tahun setengah x siap2 lagi...? payah nak cakap la... tesco kt sremban 2, 2 tgkat tu x sampai 6 bulan dah siap dah.... ni dewan utama yg teramat2amat lah penting bg pelajar dan pengurusan UiTM bleh x siap2 slepas 2 tahun...? ksian..... tapi aku pon x salah kan sape2... yela... baru nak wat dewan bsaw... pihak kerajaan mintak UiTM tambah pelajar... dlu 80 k satu semester... latest ni menjelang 2012 klau x salah nak amek sramai 250 k pelajar / semester... hmm... mne nak letak bdk2 ni... every sem dak flooding wif new students... kampus pon sampai x muat dah... sesak sgt..

Sebenarnye... kne rujuk balik atau kaji balik pasal pengambilan pelajar yg mkin meningkat ni... klau nak ramai pelajar kne sdia dgn infrastruktur yg ckup... esp kelas... x de la asyik kne wat kelas mlm je... dats the most important i think.... second just need to think about the residential area... or asrama le... x pon bg pelajar sem akhir tu kne duk luar... ok reason pon bleh diterima pkai... dorg dah perlu dan harap bleh berdikari.. so g la duk umah sewa... tp... klau kt kawasan pedalaman... mne ckup umah sewa... kadang2 ade owner umah yg sengaja cekik darah... maybe UiTM perlu ade MOU dengan owner2 umah sewa ni so that they won't take advantage towards the students that desperately need a place to live... so kesimpulannye... bila UiTM nak wat dewan je... maybe la... dorg terpakse kuarkan duit tu tuk menampung kekurangan inrastruktur tersebut... cthnye... bli bgunan yg sdia ade... a.ka. bggunan kerajaan tuk dijadikan kampus dan kelas... hehehe.... mcm UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka......

Hmm... obviously.. i missed my campus life so much... klau bleh nak jd student je.... muahahaha... seyes... its really fun and every day were so exciting... now everything gone... whats left is memories and friends... hope that friendship will last forever....

The day of convocation... for me... was nothing but to fulfill the ceremony of finishing my study and... to make me officially as the alumni UiTM.......... huhu... thanks for everyone that supported me all this time... luv uoolllss....

Monday, November 22, 2010



No one can avoid themselves from work... no matter either the work gives u earnings or its just work.... gotto admit that... huhu.... life are work.. work is for life... its like u eat for live and live to eat hehe....

Before this i'm really eager to get a work... now... get to know hows adults get their money from work... waiting for the pay day was the most tiring...hehehe.... still life must go on... no one can live without doing any work... even a worm in a stone will need to work on to get foods... its just how we going to manage it...

Work... life... problems.... all related to each other.... its make life beauty and meaningful... my colleague have been talking about this.... but they add some new element... which is man... or guy... since... everyone were married except me, kayroll and Cheryl.... i think so... hehe... so guess what the main topic will be discussed all the time... hu.....

i'm really trying my best and the hardest i can to get mix into these nature of people... seems that i'm just a girl without any a very romanticisme feeling and yeah... i'm just feeling easy and free without man around me... hopefully i'll get use to all this things later... hehehe... Allah help me to get through my life please... amin....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



All of sudden to think... what if i can try and live like a crazy person just like the one who always wandering at town and never went home...

Thinking that how they go through their life... how they manage to eat, sleep, cope with the cold and hot weather... people being so sinical to them... and no one to talk, to share, to make friends, to love and live with....

I'am amazed with them because they are very determined.. they caould walk for a very long distance without stop and felt tired... i saw one crazy person walking from Mantin to Seremban... its amazing actually.... bcoz if i travel to sremban for 80/kmj. its take almost half an hour to reach sremban... but, this guy just walk to sremban... huh...

Other thing i'am amazed with them is they can eat whatever they found in the trash bin.. without worrying the food's cleanliness and no worry for the stomach ache, food poisoning problem, or any disease.. surprisingly i never saw this guy get sick... everyday he keep on wandering in Mantin.. looks very healthy... gggrreeaattttT....!

Juz thinking... what if we make a special experiment on these crazy fellow from medical check, to any other related to health, stamina, body and muscle checks... huh so many things we can learn from them actually... agree?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Get OuutttT From The Space...!!


Welll... no one of us can get out from having a problem in this world....
walau apa pun terjadi... mesti hadapinye dengan penuh semangat.... kalau berserah je... alamatnye... hanyut la kita.... kesabaran tahap gaban mmg sgt penting tahap super soyuz.... jgn sesekali biar diri hilang pertimbangan... klau x, mula la kita akan melakukan perkara yg x sepatutnye... demi menyelesaikan masalah... but remember 1 thing.. maksud tidak menghalalkan cara...

Selalunye... bila ditimpa masalh kita rasa cm nak hilang tiba2 dr muka bumi ni... pastu nak terbang ke angkasa and went to other spaces or planet if possible other solar system to be far away from the problem... agaknye... tu la antara punca and pencetus idea knape org nak jd angkasawan kn... hehehe...

Klau kita masih dalam keadaan teraba2 dalam gelap gelita sambil mengharapkan org dtg menyuluh dan menghulurkan lampu suluh dari HP jenama Nokia 1280 yang mmg dah berada kt tangan pon sebenarnye.... maka... perlulah diubah persepsi tu ye... jgn terlalu mengharap kn org lain... pasti ada jln penyelesaian wlau mcmne ssh skali pon masalh tu pasti ade cr nak selesaikan.... yang paling utama... sentiasa memohon kpd Yang Maha Esa... tuk ngatkan diri sendiri juga... tiada sebaik2 pertolongan yang boleh diminta selain dari Allah S.W.T.

Dalam menghadapi masalh ni... kita x bleh asyik nak lari je... nnt jd cm kuda liar kt atas ni... ~~kuda ku lari gagah berani...~~ hehe... asyik na lari je... dia pon xtau kemana arah tuju dia yg sbenarnye... wlau dia lari slaju mne pon dia xkn dapat selesaikan masalh duri yg dia terpijak tu... spatutnye dia berhenti n try tuk gigit2 duri tu sampai duri tu tercabut.... ni x... maen lari je klau dah sakit terpijak duri tu... hehe...

Aku rasa hari ni cm mengarut sikit penulisan aku ni... ntah ape2 je... klau korg baca mcm pham je... ok la... klau x pham tu... wat2 pham la k... hehe... stress la katekan... huhuuuu... so kesimpulanya.. ape yang penting?? kejesama.... !eh! bukan la... ni bukan tuk wonderpets....! yang penting skali ialah... hadapi ape jua masalh anda dgn tenang, positive, rasional, dan matang... pasti ada jua jalan yang menuju ke keabadian cinta... eh2... bukan... menuju ke penyelesaian dan ketenangan.... he.... ALL THE BEST IN FACING LIFE AND CHALLENGING FUTURE TO U UOLLZZ... SLAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA......

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

hakka budak fsppp... hehe...

Hi-Tea with dean listers..

Thanks to our alumni Mr. Erwin Tu'ipolotu whom a National Rugby player and PTD invited to give some motivation speech bbut later happen to teach and performed Hakka as wished by Datuk Pengarah.